Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 4

Well, day 4 was nothing short of amazing!!! I woke up yesterday feeling "inta so bra" (not so well--my swedish is getting very good!). We then had a city tour planned and i thought that it would be like a bus tour--but nope, we were walking. It was soo much fun! This city is just absolutely GORGEOUS! The thing I love the most about it is that it's still very much a student town and it's busy and city-like, but it's also so authentic and has history and culture behind each building and road. So we were in our groups and the teams were having different competitions to get points so our first one was a fashion show and 5 of us dressed up in all these goofy looking clothes and strutted our stuff for the judges. Then we continued to walk and there is like a canal kind of thing that runs through the city and you got 100 points for each person that jumped in and 100 extra if you waved your underwear around when you got to the other side. Obviuosly, I jumped in but there were only about ten of us that did and it was SO cold! Luckily, it was a gorgeous day out yesterday and it was sunny and quite warm, but the water literally took my breath away--and i'm not a very good swimmer to begin with. 

After that there was this water fountain with 3 levels so you had to turn around and try to throw a boot in backwards into the highest one which a couple people did--but then we had to climb up and get it! It was actually really dangerous but everyone was ok. By this time it was already 4:30 and we had to meet back at the school at 6:30 with our groups. So I took the bus home (finally bought a bus pass), got changed really quickly, then met my group at the school because we wree going to a pre party at our fadder's house. 

There's a really popular game they play here called caps. So there is one king cup with a mixture of a bunch of different drinks and then you sit in a circle around it and everyone puts their cups all around it in a little circle and you try to throw caps into other people's cups and they have to drink it. We played that foreever and then we went to the toga party which was sooooo much fun!! But, I lost my phone :( So I'm kind of screwed now because I don't know where to meet my group today and I have no phone to ge tin touch with them. But I figure I'll just show up and find them somewhere==if not I'm sure I'll make some new friends. So now we have "happy students at the lake" at lake vattern and I think we play all kinds of games and stuff and then we have the infamous pool party tonight. Apparently there were 1600 tickets sold!! I love this place!!!

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